
Showing posts from August, 2020

It was 1917 when British General Stanley Maude met a shepherd in the mountains of Iraq

It was 1917 when British General Stanley Maude met a shepherd in the mountains of Iraq.  The dog must be slaughtered.  The dog is very important to the shepherd  It grazes his goats, brings back the lost herd, protects the herd from the attacks of the beasts, but the pound is worth more than half the herd. The shepherd thought a greedy smile spread across his face.  , He grabbed the dog and slaughtered at the general's feet.    General Maude said to the shepherd, "If you take off his skin, I am ready to give you another pound. The shepherd gladly took off the dog's skin."  Even if you make herbs, the shepherd will immediately accept the offer  The General Shepherd paid three pounds to move. General Mauday was a few steps ahead when he heard the voice of the shepherd coming from behind.  And wanted to see the times  You killed your bodyguard and friend for just three pounds, skinned him, tore his skate and got ready to eat him for the fourth pound, and that

The wife called and asked him to bring pizza from the office

The wife called and asked him to bring pizza from the office.   As I was leaving the office, it started to rain, so the idea of ​​pizza inadvertently crossed my mind. When I reached home, my wife asked me the first question, "Is this my pizza?"  I said oh sorry forgot.   The wife became angry and started making faces. She said that one thing does not work for you properly.  What if it was raining?   Before the talk escalated, he said, "I'm sorry, I'll just bring you an umbrella."  Hearing this, the wife's mood was set.  .  On the way, I suddenly remembered a moment in my past life when one day I forgot to bring my mother's medicine in such a heavy rain.  When he reached home, he remembered and told his mother to bring it now.  As soon as I reached the door, my mother stopped my steps. Now don't go out. It is raining. I will take medicine tomorrow.  Thinking this, a few tears merged into the rainwater. ”

An Arab man tells his story that my wife used to teach in a girls' college. I used to drop her off and pick her up every day

An Arab man tells his story that my wife used to teach in a girls' college. I used to drop her off and pick her up every day.  When I reached the gate of the college, I would get out of the car and open the door next to her.   The method had become a topic of discussion in the girls' college, the college teachers would be jealous of my wife and tease her about what happened to her, what is the romance,۔  I wish our husbands would also get this help, even the female students would say such things, but  Nobody knew that romance was nothing.  The car door was broken and it was open from the outside.  In short, I am now the husband of three teachers and a student, the door is still the same, this door proved to be the door of goodness for me.

The most famous British pop singer of the past, Kate Stevens, who converted to Islam many years ago and is now known as Youssef Islam

The most famous British pop singer of the past, Kate Stevens, who converted to Islam many years ago and is now known as Youssef Islam , recently arrived in Turkey and was asked by a Turkish news agency reporter if she knew about Islam.  What would you say you are now a follower of, allowing a man to have four marriages?  Can you give a logical explanation for this? And as an individual in the West and an enlightened musician, how did you digest this?  Yusuf Islam replied, "Did you know my first condition? When I did not convert to Islam, I had relations with so many women that I do not even know how many they were. I did not even know if my  These women also have children. When I lived such a miserable life, you were jealous of my life. Now I am married to a woman and I have no intention of remarrying at the moment.  Even if he allows four marriages, he also imposes a lot of responsibilities on the wife and children. In the West, there are no such responsibilities on a

When a man came home, his wife said: "Cut down the tree near our bathroom. I am not proud that birds will see me while I am taking a bath

When a man came home, his wife said:  "Cut down the tree near our bathroom. I am not proud that birds will see me while I am taking a bath."  He was very impressed by his wife's words and cut down the tree.  Time goes by  One day he came home abnormally and saw his wife engaged to a man.  He was very sad.  He left home and went to Baghdad.  And started his own business there.  God blessed him in business, and thanks to his growing business he became one of the leading citizens of Baghdad.  It even gained access to Baghdad's Kotwal.  One day Kotwal's house was burglarized.  Police tried hard to track down the culprit but failed.  He saw that a man had to come and go to Kotwal's house, and Kotwal respected him immensely.  But one thing he did not understand was that this man walks on half a foot, why he does not put his whole foot on the ground.  When he asked someone the reason, he was told:  "It doesn't keep its feet on the ground so that

There was a boy from a backward family but he was very beautiful to look at - there was a girl studying in his college he liked her very much but he never had the

There was a boy from a backward family but he was very beautiful to look at - there was a girl studying in his college he liked her very much but he never had the  courage to speak his heart out to her because he  The girl was very rich and beautiful and at the same time she was a little proud - these days were going on the last day of college because there were papers after that and then after college everyone decided on her according to their own plan.  The boy thought he would tell her what he wanted to do before he finished college. One day the boy told the girl that he liked her very much.  What she said was a very shocking answer - the girl said what can you give me - as much as your monthly salary, today is my daily expenses.  Should I still think of living my life with you - how did you even think that I would marry you?  I can never love you  So forget me and go and marry another girl of your standard.  It was impossible for this boy to forget her.  All these thing

A snake entered the closed blacksmith's shop from somewhere

A snake entered the closed blacksmith's shop from somewhere ...  There was nothing of interest to the snake, its body was hit by a saw lying there, it was slightly injured, in panic the snake turned and stung the saw with full force, the snake's mouth began to bleed.  ...  The next time the snake tried its best to wrap itself around the saw, grip it and suffocate it, the next day when the shopkeeper opened the workshop, they found a snake wrapped around the saw which was dead for some other reason.  Not just his anger and rage ...  Sometimes in anger we try to hurt others, but over time we realize that we have done more harm to ourselves ...  Sometimes we need a good life  Some things  To some people  Some accidents  Some work  Some things   Ignore ...  Make a habit of ignoring yourself intelligently, we don't have to show a reaction to every action.  Some of our reactions will not only harm us but may even take our lives ...  The biggest force ...  Endurance is

Akbar Bugti Hero or Villain

Akbar Bugti Hero or Villain?  The Bugti tribe can be divided into three major tribes.  Kalpar, Missouri and Rahja.  Nawab Akbar Bugti belonged to the Rahaja tribe.  In 1951, Akbar Bugti became an advisor to the Governor General for the first time and began his political activities.  Gas was discovered in the area of ​​Nawab Akbar Bugti in 1952, after which he forcibly evicted the Missouri and Clippers belonging to the Bugti tribe in order to digest the billions of rupees in gas royalties received by the government alone.  Can be done  For the first time, he gained political influence at the center, which he cashed in on.  During this time he bought hundreds of expensive cars, private jets, and large tracts of land abroad.  The Clippers and Missouri tribes were displaced in Sindh and other parts of the country.  There were about 80,000 of them at that time.  They remained in exile for decades.  Pervez Musharraf during his tenure decided to resettle them in his areas.  Akbar

Once Gabriel (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and he saw that Gabriel was a little upset. The Prophet (peace and blessings of

Once Gabriel (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and he saw that Gabriel was a little upset.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Gabriel, tell me about the conditions of Hell. Gabriel said: There are seven degrees of Hell.  Allah will place the hypocrites in the lowest rank among them  In the sixth degree above this, Allaah will defeat the polytheists  Above this, in the fifth degree, Allah will place the worshipers of the sun and the moon  In the fourth degree, God will put the people on fire  In the third category, God will put the holy Jews  Allah Almighty put Christians in the second category  After saying this, Gabriel (peace be upon him) became silent and the Holy Prophet asked  Gabriel, tell me why you are silent, who will be in the first place  Gabriel (peace be upon him) asked  O Messenger of Allah, Allah will put the sinners of your ummah in the first place  Whe

If the mother does not practice marriage immediately after the children reach

If the mother does not practice marriage immediately after the children reach puberty,  If the wife does not repent of her disbelief of considering the second, third and fourth marriage as a curse,  If the man did not arrange for quick and easy marriages of divorced women and widows,  If we do not make marriage a duty rather than a business,  And as easy as it is to take a bath and go to the mosque and recite Jumu'ah, do not make it as easy.  If we did not block the path to adultery, and make it as difficult in the present situation as the second marriage is difficult,  So the sons will continue to be guilty of rape, while the second marriage will be behind bars without permission !!!  So instead of relationships, messages of friendship will come to the daughters at home !!!  So the daughters will go on a date in a car with dark windows instead of a wedding car in a car decorated with flowers !!!  So sons will have affairs instead of marriages and girlfriends instead of

Both lions and sharks are professional hunters, but lions cannot hunt at sea and sharks cannot hunt on land.

Both lions and sharks are professional hunters, but lions cannot hunt at sea and sharks cannot hunt on land.  The lion cannot be said to be useless because it cannot hunt in the sea and the shark cannot be said to be useless because it cannot be hunted in the forest.  They both deal with their confidence as they choose to embark on their play activities.  Just because a rose smells better than a tomato doesn't mean it can be used in cooking.  Don't compare one with the other.  You have a power of your own, find it and prepare yourself accordingly.  Never look down on yourself, but always have good hopes for yourself.  Remember that a broken colored pen is also capable of coloring.  Put yourself to good use before you reach the end.  The worst use of time is to waste yourself comparing yourself to others  Cattle eat grass that makes them fat and fresh, and if the same grass is eaten by beasts, they can die because of it.  Never compare yourself with others. Complete

Islamic history of Pathans

 Islamic history of Pathans  Pathans are called Afghans because Afghans say that Afghan was the name of a son of Hazrat Sulaiman (as) and he fell in love with the language of jinn, so he asked his father Hazrat Sulaiman (as) to tell the jinn that  Learn the language Sulaiman (peace be upon him) accepted his son's request and ordered the jinn to teach the Afghans the language of the jinn. The language was later known as Pakhtuns. The arguments for the origin and nationality of the Pathans  They are descendants of Abraham (peace be upon him) and descendants of Isaac (peace be upon him), and are of Israeli descent. British historians write that the Pathans lived in a part of Argentina. The people of Argentina claim that Afghans or Pathans are Argentines.  Are from  Because the Albanian Ugans who later became Afghans became Afghans and moved from Argentina to India. Another British historian writes that the Israeli tribes settled in Afghanistan after a lot of hardships and

It is human nature that in the presence of a guardian man has no worries, no worries,

It is human nature that in the presence of a guardian man has no worries, no worries, so a child told his friend that I am going to perform Hajj ...  He asked, "Do you have any money?"  Did not say  Then he asked, "Did you apply?"  Says don't know  Did you get a passport?  Says don't know  Do you know the method of Hajj?  Says no  Booked a hotel for yourself in Makkah and Madinah?  Says don't know  He asked, "Have you got a ticket?"  Says no  When he did not answer every question,  So his companion was astonished and said, "Then how are you going for Hajj?"                              So the boy smiled and said: "I am going for Hajj with my father, now the answer to everything came in one sentence, that when I am with my father, my father will take care of my every need."  , I do not need to worry- "  "In short, the guardian is responsible for everything."  In the same way, Allah is the Guardian o

Flowers do not sleep) I have to sleep on thorns

(Here the bridge has to burn)  It has to be adapted to every color  Stumbles at every turn  You have to walk in every situation  (To understand every heart)  (Just have to fight with yourself)  (Sometimes you have to lose yourself)  * Sometimes I have to cry secretly *  (Flowers do not sleep)  I have to sleep on thorns  (Sometimes you have to live and die)  (Sometimes you have to live and die)  Happiness will return  You have to live on this hope۔

His name was Habib bin Malik, and he was one of the great chiefs of Yemen.

His name was Habib bin Malik, and he was one of the great chiefs of Yemen.  Come here, and see if the moon is split in two.  So Habib ibn Malik set out on a journey and reached Mount Abu Qais, where the infidels demanded that a miracle be performed here or that the moon be split in two.  My master Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came, split the moon in two, and went back.  The characteristic of Al-Kubra is that the moon remained in two pieces for an hour and a half ...  Seeing this, Habib bin Malik came to the Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said:  "It's all right, but tell me what's wrong with my heart ...?"  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:  "You have only one daughter, whose name is Satiha. She is blind, lovely, lame, deaf and dumb. You are eating her pain from within. Go, Allah Almighty has healed her ..."  As soon as Habib heard this, he ran to

* Pak army is also a strange army

* Pak army is also a strange army *  Their vehicles start on time, petrol does not run out, guns are ready all the time, cranes are useful all the time, day or night, Eid or Baqaraid, rain, storm, cold or heat when you call here.  * Never said *  We didn't get the return order, nobody told us, the chief was sleeping, the corps commander has gone for a walk, they will come back, it will be decided, first give us the necessary equipment to deal with the rain, then the work will start.  * No tricks *  In case of an earthquake, all the equipment is available, in case of a fire, all the equipment and funds are available  In case of flood, all the equipment and funds are available  * Never complained *  And strangely enough, all this work has to be done in the war zone,  You have to carry guns and weapons, you have to wear a bulletproof jacket, you have to carry out rescue work, so that no compatriot comes close and explodes.  * Simultaneous war and help and rescue *  Such an

In college, a boy fell in love with a girl. The boy wrote in the girl's book as soon as he got the

In college, a boy fell in love with a girl.  The boy wrote in the girl's book as soon as he got the chance  I Love You  When the girl opened the book during the class, she was shocked at first after reading the boy's expression of love on it  But after a while she got angry and told everything to the teacher.    ۔  The teacher kicked the boy out of class for a week as punishment.    ۔  One week the boy did not come to college.  Meanwhile, the girl felt that she had done wrong to the boy.    ۔  A week later, when the boy came to college, the girl also fell in love with the boy  ۔  This time the girl got the chance in the boy's book  I wrote Love U  But a year has passed and he has not responded till today  Do you know why ???????    ۔  ۔  Because  ۔  ۔    He was a student like us. If he had ever opened a book, he would not have answered.    Seriously sorry  So read and write  Just running Facebook won't do anything.

Once upon a time, two husbands and wives lived in a relationship of truth, love and friendship

Once upon a time, two husbands and wives lived in a relationship of truth, love and friendship. But in terms of nature, they are very different from each other. The husband is very calm and does not get angry under any circumstances.  Outraged at the slightest thing .. Once the couple set out on a voyage.  The ship sailed calmly for several days, but one day it was surrounded by storms.  The winds turned against it, and the waves turned it upside down.  The storm flooded the ship.  There was anxiety on the faces of the passengers on the ship, even the captain of the ship could not hide his anxiety.  He told the passengers clearly that in the present circumstances, only a miracle from Allah can save the ship from this storm. With this statement of the captain, the hope of survival in the hearts of the passengers also died down.  As death approached, the passengers began to scream and shout in fear.  The man's wife became obsessed.  He had no idea what to do.  She ran to

Imam Shafi'i (may Allaah have mercy on him) said

Imam Shafi'i (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:  ٭ Four things create strength in the body:  1) Eat meat  2) Smell the fragrance  3) Bathing frequently  4) Wearing cotton cloth  Four things sharpen the eye:  1) Sitting in front of the Kaaba  2) Apply kohl while sleeping  3) Looking at the greenery  4) Sit in a clean place  Four things increase the intellect:  1) Abandoning nonsense  2) To chew  3) Sitting in the assembly of the righteous  4) Adopting the company of scholars   Four things increase sustenance:  1) Performing Tahajjud prayers  2) Ask for forgiveness often  3) Doing charity often  4) Mentioning frequently.                        Share further                         Limited to yourself                       Don't remember in prayer                                to put

BRT Project Propaganda and Reality

BRT Project Propaganda and Reality    Peshawar BRT is probably the only project against which the opponents had started intense propaganda even before the first brick was laid, which continued even during the construction.  This project has been completed "ahead of schedule".  Opponents are brazen that their propaganda is still going on, which is confusing even the PTI supporters themselves.  Propaganda No. 1  BRT's feasibility, design, technical assessment was not made.  From scratch, without any planning or preparation work started.  Reality ....   This is probably the only "road project" in Pakistan that has undergone a complete technical evaluation, design and environmental assessment in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) (Project Nos. 003-48289 and 001-48289).  Regular review reports were issued.  Propaganda No. 2  The cost of BRT has doubled, tripled, quadrupled.  It has become the most expensive project in Pakistan.  Reality .

Friends, officials like DPO of Mohmand District Tariq Habib and DSP Dalfraz are for maintaining law and order and our security in our area.

 Friends, officials like DPO of Mohmand District Tariq Habib and DSP Dalfraz are for maintaining law and order and our security in our area.  ==> While here in Mohmand the situation is the opposite.  ==> These people like DPO Mohmand District Dsp Dalfraz and Raza Muhammad Post Commander Doizi are taking unfair advantage of these positions.  ==> And take interest in disputes between marble contractors over extortion.  This is also happening with Shakhald and Shawli.  ==> The aggrieved party sometimes goes to the responsible authorities and their way is blocked despite the evidence.  And the other party has handed over all the marble quarry equipment to the other party for extortion.  And instead of giving our rights to the oppressed, we are being humiliated and disgraced.  ==> We are tired of going to different authorities now.  And they are fed up with their attitude.  If there is any murder in this regard  So their responsible will be dpo Tariq H

Once Malansiruddin was leaving the bazaar when someone slapped him hard from behind.

  Once Malansiruddin was leaving the bazaar when someone slapped him hard from behind.  Mullah Sahib looked back angrily,   The man panicked.   "I'm sorry, my friend."   Mullah Sahib said.  "no,   There will be justice ...   Let's go to court.  "   He presented his case before the judge.   The judge, seeing the man's fear, said:   "Why sir! You will pay the price for the slap or get it."   Sir, slap you too? "   The man said.  "Sir, I'll pay for the slap."   But right now I have nothing.  My wife has some jewelry, I bring it.  "   The judge said, "Okay, hurry up."   Mullah Sahib got tired of waiting but the man did not come.   Mullah Sahib got up and slapped the judge with a loud "slap"   And said:   "If he brings jewelry, you take it."   Distinguished Judiciary and NAB   Get jewelry or cash out of criminals as soon as possible   And everyday dates ...  Reference ...  Presents ..

Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (may Allah have mercy on him) gave 10 valuable advices to his son to have a happy married life

Hello!  *  Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (may Allah have mercy on him) gave 10 valuable advices to his son to have a happy married life *  Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (may Allah have mercy on him) gave his son * 10 advices * on his wedding night  Every married man should read them carefully and put them into practice in his life  You said my son, you can't have peace of mind at home unless you adopt these 10 habits in your wife's case.  So listen to them carefully and plan to act  * First: Women want your attention and want you to express your love to them in clear words, so from time to time, make your wife feel your love and tell her in clear words how important and beloved she is to you.  (Don't assume she'll figure it out herself - relationships always need expression)  ✍️Second: Remember, if you are stingy in this expression, there will be a bitter rift between the two of you that will grow over time and end the love.  Ø±ÛŒ Third: Women have a hard temper and are more

Style of love Everyone's style of love is very strange ... Someone longs for

* Style of love   * Everyone's style of love is very strange ...  Someone longs for love ...  Someone just enjoys calling this anguish calm ...  Someone is waiting for the next person moment by moment ...  It takes a look of grace ...  No one wants to see ...  Someone tries to sacrifice his body, mind, money and love.  Someone is likening love to a madman or a Qais, thinking it is a joke ... *   Two things in love, progress, migration and connection ...  Someone gets unconditional love ...  No one gets love even from the prayers of the courts, the prayers of the feet, the prayers of shedding tears in Tahajjud.  If you get it, you just get Hajj ...  And bored ...  What was lacking ...  What was wrong ... *    * And then that person either cracks the poor like Qais ...  Or, like a madman, he seeks coins in the forests and deserts, forgetting the difference between flowers and thorns.  Some fail, and spend the rest of their lives shedding tears.  And even to the grave, the

Mother knocked on the door of the neighbors and asked for salt from them.

Mother knocked on the door of the neighbors and asked for salt from them. The son was watching this scene.  What needed to go on.  Mom said, "Son, our neighbors are poor. They ask us for something from time to time. I know there is salt in our kitchens, but I told them."  He asked for salt so that he would not feel hesitant and embarrassed to ask us for anything, but he should understand that the neighbors can be asked for whatever they need, this is one of the rights of the neighbors.  Beautiful societies are formed by such mothers.

It is said that a parrot passed through a desert,

It is said that a parrot passed through a desert,  Seeing the desolation, the parrot asked the parrot  "How desolate is the village ...?"  "Looks like a potato has passed here," said the parrot.  While the parrots were talking,  Just then an owl was passing by,  He listened to the parrots and stopped and spoke to them.  You guys look like travelers in this village,  Be my guest tonight,  Eat with me  The pair of parrots could not refuse the loving invitation of the owl and they accepted the invitation of the owl,  After eating, when he asked permission to leave,  So the owl grabbed the parrot's hand and said ..  where are you going  The parrot said anxiously, "This is something to ask."  I'm going back with my husband ...  I laughed when I heard this.  And said ..  This is what you would have done if you were my wife.  Then the parrots jumped on the parrots and the heat began.  When the argument escalated between the two, Tuvalu made a

The cruel era of General Zia-ul-Haq The time when all Indian media was banned in Pakistan.

The cruel era of General Zia-ul-Haq  The time when all Indian media was banned in Pakistan.  There used to be a channel on TV and newscasters used to come wearing headscarves  TV broadcasts were from 4 pm to 11 pm.  Broadcasts begin and end with recitation of the Holy Qur'an, praise and Naat  There were severe punishments for theft and adultery and there was complete law and order in the country  You could get a kebab for one rupee and just the best burger for five rupees to keep eating.  There was eight loaves of bread in the oven and for ten rupees a laborer could easily eat two meals a day.  From needles to elephants, there would be price lists in the shops and there would be an opportunity for someone to take even a loose sum of money.  All political parties were banned and politicians who misled the people were in jail  The government school fee was Rs. 10 per month and the private school fee was Rs. 30 per month  The curriculum taught in the school was subject to

During a bank robbery, the robber shouted and told everyone,

During a bank robbery, the robber shouted and told everyone, "No one should move. Everyone should lie down quietly on the ground. The money belongs to the people and the life is yours."  Everyone lay down quietly on the ground.  No one moved.  It's called the Mind Change Concept.  When he returned home after the robbery, the young robber with MBA said to the old robber in the primary pass, "Let's count the money."  The old robber said, "You have gone mad. Who counts so many notes? Listening to the news at night about how much money we have looted."  This is called experience, which is more important today than degrees.  On the other hand, when the robbers left the bank, the manager told the supervisor to call the police.  The supervisor replied, "Stop, sir!"  From the first bank, we both withdraw  10 million for ourselves, and yes, the  4 million scam that we've done in recent days is also thrown at the robbers that they h