There was a boy from a backward family but he was very beautiful to look at - there was a girl studying in his college he liked her very much but he never had the

There was a boy from a backward family but he was very beautiful to look at - there was a girl studying in his college he liked her very much but he never had the 
courage to speak his heart out to her because he  The girl was very rich and beautiful and at the same time she was a little proud - these days were going on the last day of college because there were papers after that and then after college everyone decided on her according to their own plan.  The boy thought he would tell her what he wanted to do before he finished college. One day the boy told the girl that he liked her very much.  What she said was a very shocking answer - the girl said what can you give me - as much as your monthly salary, today is my daily expenses.  Should I still think of living my life with you - how did you even think that I would marry you?  I can never love you  So forget me and go and marry another girl of your standard.  It was impossible for this boy to forget her.
 All these things of this girl had a great effect on him and he intended that he would become something in life - this boy worked hard day and night - whenever he started to weaken, he would start remembering all these things and  Then his intention would have been stronger.
 Finally ten years passed - one day all of a sudden the same girl met him in a shopping center - the girl saw him and started asking how he was - the boy did not answer, then she said again that I am married and you  I have an idea how much my husband's salary is. His salary is two lakh rupees. Can you imagine such a high salary? And he is also very beautiful. The girl started smiling sarcastically.
 Tears welled up in the boy's eyes as he heard the girl's words - a few minutes later the girl's husband arrived - and before the girl could say anything more,  Husband said sir!  How are you here  When he met my wife, he pointed to the same girl standing next to him. He then told his wife that he was going to assist her in a project and you know that the project is worth Rs 200 crore.  And to tell you the truth, Sir liked a girl but couldn't find her, so he hasn't married yet - how lucky would that girl be?  He asked his wife - then who is the one who truly loves someone nowadays - hearing all this, the girl's condition was as if someone had pulled the ground from under her feet.

 * Achieved Word: - * Man should always think that time is never the same - today you may be proud of something tomorrow may Allah break your pride - Allah Almighty has not made anyone inferior  All are equal in sight - man should value the love and feelings of others and never be arrogant.


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