Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Noble Prophet and his family and companions.

In The Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful
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 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Noble Prophet and his family and companions.

         (""Sirat-ul-Nabi Kareem ﷺ"")
    (Total 353 episodes are episode no. 15)

 *Political conditions of the Arabs before the advent of Islam:*

 In the previous 2 episodes, the economic and social conditions of the Arabs were described, in this episode, the political conditions of this period are being briefly described.

 Before the advent of Islam, the Arabs were divided into tribal systems and were scattered in the deserts of Arabia like a rosary. The political system of the tribes was semi-democratic.  Kinship with the previous chief was also considered, all the people obeyed their chief, but the chief would also consult with the influential people of the tribe.

 Because the Arab nation was a stubborn nation, sometimes if there was a quarrel between two different clans over a trivial matter, it would be made a problem of the ego of the whole clan and then war would be declared against the opposing clan.  Periods continue.  For example, a war started between Banu Taghlib and Banu Bakr over the killing of a camel called Basus, and this war continued for forty years.

 When we look at the sides of the Arabian Peninsula, we see the great Byzantine Empire of Rome on one side and the great Sassanid Empire of Iran on the other, the Arabian Peninsula is in a sense a "buffer state" between these two great neighboring empires.  Had the rank of

 The Arabs called these two neighboring kingdoms "Asdin Ghalib" (two mighty mighty lions), at the time they were two of the most powerful nations in the world and had been at war with each other for centuries, once crushing the Roman Iranians.  Defeats would be met with defeat and sometimes the drums of Iranian victory would be heard in the battlefield.

 The ruler of the Byzantine Empire of Rome was ruled by the title of "Caesar", while the ruler of the Sassanid Empire of Iran was called "Kusra".  During the reign of the Holy Prophet, Rome was ruled by Caesar "Hercules", while Iran was ruled by the famous Iranian king "Noshirwan" during the childhood of the Holy Prophet, while after that, "Khusrau Parvez" ruled Iran.  who had the audacity to tear the preaching letter of the Holy Prophet

 Here I finish the history of the Arabs and the general conditions of the land of Arabia at the time of the blessed birth of the Holy Prophet.  God willing, from the next episode, the biography of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) will officially begin.
 ===> are in progress


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