One is my love, one is Allah's love and Allah's love is heavier than everything*💕
*One is my love, one is Allah's love and Allah's love is heavier than everything*💕
I worship that Lord, this is my love *He enables me to worship, this is the love of that Lord* ❣️
I stand among millions and call him, this is my love *He hears my call among millions of voices, this is his love* 💖
I go to sleep with His name, this is my love *He wakes me up in tajjud for His remembrance, this is the love of my Lord* 💞
I fall in prostration and shed tears, this is my love *He turns my tears into peace, this is the love of His Lord* ❤️
I follow the path of patience for his sake, this is my love *He turns my patience into gratitude, this is his love* ♥️
I am ashamed of my sins and ask for forgiveness, this is my humility * and He does not disgrace me in the world, this is the love of His Lord * 💕
I believe in my Lord and surrender my destiny to Him, this is my love *And He does not let me lose my destiny, this is His love*💞
I seek Him in every sorrow, this is my love *He says I am closer than your aorta, this is the love of the Lord* ❤️
I want to dye in the color of Allah, this is my love *He dyes me in his color, this is his love* ♥️♥️
*And I realized his love is heavier than everything*♥️♥️
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